Do you speak in binary, find your zen at a keyboard, or have to hide away whenever someone gets a new PC? Then you just might be a computer geek, which means you should show off your geekiness with pride with some of the best computer geek t-shirts on the market. If anyone questions whether you’re actually geek enough, just reply with 01000111 01100101 01100101 01101011.
Looking for general purpose geek shirts instead? Head over our list of the best women’s geek t-shirts.
Binary Geek Shirt

If you had no trouble translating from binary to text, you’ll love this Binary Geek shirt. It features the text “01000111 01100101 01100101 01101011” along with “if you can read this, you are too.” Think of it as the ultimate computer geek flag. After all, most people wouldn’t have a clue. But for those that do, raise a hand or mouse in salute to your fellow geeks. Pick up this t-shirt for men, women, and youth in one of four colors for $20.
I Am Your Father Shirt

Are you a little bit computer and a little bit Star Wars geek? Then one of the best computer geek t-shirts for you is this I Am Your Father Shirt. With an ode to the classic Star Wars line, this shirt features a floppy disk claiming to be the father of a USB drive. For those of us who had mountains of floppies with games, files, and backups, we all know this statement is more than true. Get this shirt for men, women, and youth in one of 10 colors for $21.
Tech Support Hourly Rate

For everyone who’s worked in tech support, you know how frustrating it can be. You love being a computer geek, but sometimes hate coming to everyone’s rescue. Display your new support rates based on the person’s level of help with this Tech Support Hourly Rate t-shirt. It starts at $100 an hour for basic support, but if someone wants to tell you how to do, the rate jumps to $250 an hour. Grab this tee in one of five colors for men, women, and youth for just $18.
I Play The Keyboard

Usually if someone says they play the keyboard, you think about a piano. But, as one of the best computer geek t-shirts explains, keyboards aren’t just for music. The I Play Keyboard shirt uses an 8-bit style font with a computer keyboard. For gamers, programmers, and anyone who love playing the keyboard, this is a must-have. Grab this shirt in one of eight colors for men, women, and youth starting at $12.50.
Programmer Caffeine

Nothing powers a programmer better than caffeine. After a marathon session, it’s time to grab the Programmer Caffeine shirt and show the world just how you make the magic happen. This shirt is a definition shirt that defines a programmer as an organism that can magically turn caffeine into software. I think we can all agree that’s how all the best software is created. Get this shirt for men and women in one of five colors for just $19.
As an alternative, check out the Programmer Definition shirt that also calls a programmer a wizard and magician.
There’s No Place Like

If you’re a computer geek, you’ll totally get it. After all, there really is no place like home or in this case the localhost. Every true computer geek knows this IP address by heart, so find fellow geeks by wearing the There’s No Place Like shirt. While some people might not get it, you’ll know exactly what it means and proudly answer any and all questions with tech jargon even the biggest geek would be impressed by. Grab this shirt for men, women, and youth in one 10 colors for just $18.
What Are Clouds Made Of

One of the best computer geek t-shirts for parents is the What Are Clouds Made Of shirt. While anyone can wear it, this cute geeky shirt features a child asking their dad what clouds are made of. There’s really only one right answer – Linux servers, mostly. If this would be your default answer or something similar, your child’s probably either giving you an eyeroll or becoming a computer geek themselves. Grab this funny shirt for men and women in one of 10 colors for $22.
Computer Whisperer

We’ve all heard of the dog whisperer, but do you have a knack for making computers do exactly what you want, even at their buggiest and moodiest? Then you need this Computer Whisperer tee. It’s a rare talent to be able to get computers to behave just by your mere presence. But, as with all great powers, this comes with great responsibility. Or, just have fun showing off for those friends whose computers always seem to break. Grab this unisex shirt in one of 12 colors starting at $26.50.
If I’m Ever On Life Support

What’s the ultimate tech support solution? Turn it off and back on. The If I’m Ever On Life Support shirt plays on this concept by saying “unplug me and plug me back in. See if that works.” If you just giggled, then this is probably one of the best computer geek t-shirts for you. If you didn’t giggle, are you really a computer geek? Either way, it’s a funny shirt even non-geeks will likely find amusing. Get your own for men, women, and youth in one of five colors for just $15.
How I Fix Stuff Working In IT

Troubleshooting computers in IT isn’t easy, but this How I Fix Stuff Working In IT shirt breaks it down pretty well. The hilarious pie chat lists just three methods of fixing stuff – restarting things, Google search, and the IT placebo affect (it just works when you’re around). Sure, things are more technical than that, but if you’ve worked in IT, you’ll definitely relate to this geeky shirt. Grab one yourself in one of five colors for men and women for just $18.
Need some help from your fellow computer geeks? Check out these tech support subreddits and forums. Or, find geeks who truly understand you with these geeky social networks and forums.
Image credit: Hello I’m Nik via Unsplash